Sunday 12 December 2010

This is HipHop Log 1: Pikahsso Allen Poe

Rhythm & Poetry. 
I won't bore you with how the media still tries to pass it off as one of the 'hot topics' of now, insinuating that it holds no longevity, and will pass like all 'Fads'... Nah I won't do that :)
Instead, here's an example of Rap in one of it's most artistic forms. 

The Cubist Painter 'Pikahsso'

(Rightly named as his flow chops up words & worlds, analyzing shape in vivid colours)

Check the homage to the shell toes, salute!

Walk with him.

Art -Noun

"The quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing or of more than ordinary significance."

 but if you ask me

"Art is metaphysical expression, given life through the five senses, for the six senses." 

Do you understand HipHop?

Peace, iL.

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